Clean Sweep: 荣誉学院 学生 Take Top Three Places in Poster Competition


Three 十大彩票网投平台 Honor College students, 从左, 亚斯帕蒂尔, 凯特琳·里金斯和戴夫·梅塔, 最近排名第三, second and first place in a 竞争 for research posters at the Alabama Academy of Science Conference. data-lightbox =“特色”
Three 十大彩票网投平台 Honor College students, 从左, 亚斯帕蒂尔, 凯特琳·里金斯和戴夫·梅塔, 最近排名第三, second and first place in a 竞争 for research posters at the Alabama Academy of Science Conference.

A trio of 荣誉学院 students from the 十大彩票网投平台 recently swept a 竞争 for research posters at the Alabama Academy of Science Conference.

Dev Mehta, Kaitlyn Riggins and 亚斯帕蒂尔 traveled to Jacksonville, Alabama, and took first, second and third place in a research category for 荣誉学院 students 整个州.

梅塔,来自莫比尔大学的大二学生 生物医学科学, did a poster on medical research: "Patient Safety: Orthotic Thermoplastics Demonstrate a Similar Contamination Potential to Bacillus Bacteria Recovered from Thermoplastic 放射治疗面罩.” His older brother, Raj, was a member of the 荣誉学院 at 南, and gave him advice on undergraduate research.

“This is my third conference and the first time I’ve placed,” Mehta said. “我已经 从高二就开始做研究.”

Riggins, a senior from Eclectic, Alabama, majoring in 通信, did her poster on “The Prevalence and Effect of Misinformation about Birth Control 在TikTok.” She was still doing her research when she heard about the science conference. 她以前从来没有做过演讲.

“我想,‘为什么不呢?’”里金斯说. “我需要把脚弄湿. 所以我去了,我展示了 and I must have done something right, because I got second place.”

Patil, a sophomore from Mobile studying 生物医学科学 and philosophy, did his poster on “Investigating the Effect of WNK Lysine Deficient Protein Kinase Inhibition 乳腺癌.”

For the science conference at Jacksonville State University, he got to meet student 来自其他州立大学的研究人员.

“I thought it was a pretty cool place to present,” Patil said. “这是我的第一次 实际的会议.”

Dr. Doug Marshall, dean of the 荣誉学院, enjoyed the winning news from the state 竞争. 研究 achievements help build momentum for the 荣誉学院.

“这是 about raising the profile of our program and this institution,” Marshall said. “We like to present opportunities for our students to create a research record. 这是 kind of exceptional for undergraduates to have that kind of experience, and it helps them with things like winning scholarships and getting into medical school.”

The Alabama science conference ended on a Thursday night, so all three 南 winners skipped an awards dinner to make the long drive back to Mobile. 他们没有发现 直到第二天他们才赢了.

Friends and classmates learned the news from the 荣誉学院 newsletter.

“I got a couple of congratulations in my physics class,” Mehta said. “它刚刚得到。 published, so I guess people are still taking a look at it.”


